HCIN Webinar-Social Computing

25 July 2023 Online

HCIN Public Webinar 


Theme: Social Computing

Date and Time: April 16, 2023, 7:00-8:30 p.m.(UCT+8, Beijing Time)

Online:  Tencent Room ID958-722-195   Password: 859725

Organizer: Human-Centric Intelligent Systems (HCIN) Editorial Office

If you are interested in the course, please contact the HCIN Editorial Office at hcin@editorialoffice.cn to sign up for the Webinar.


Webinar Agenda:


(UCT+8,Beijing Time)


7:00-7:15 p.m.

Introduction of HCIN

7:15-7:45 p.m.

Topic 1:Big How Can AI Calculate Your Happiness

Speaker:Prof. Lin Li

(Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China)

7:50-8:20 p.m.

Topic 2:News Recommendation ecosystem evolution simulation

Speaker:Prof. Tun Lu

(Fudan University, Shanghai, China)

8:25-8:30 p.m.

Q & A


Introduction of Invited Speakers:


Speaker : Prof. Lin Li

Research Interest: Data analytics, Machine learning, Information retrieval, Recommender System, Social media mining, Natural language processing, and so forth.

Personal Profile: http://cst.whut.edu.cn/xygk/szdw/201505/t20150527_876923.shtml



Speaker: Prof. Tun Lu

Research InterestComputer Supported Cooperative Work(CSCW), Collaborative and Social Computing, Recommender Systems, Crowd Cooperative Computing, Crowd Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction(HCI)

Personal Profile: https://cscw.fudan.edu.cn/tunlu/list.htm